Extension of MOLTO's MT approach to deal with non-restricted language
Exploration and development of translation engines especialised for patents
Patents MT&IR prototype, translation tools
By hybrid SMT-GF techniques
- GF grammar for patents
- SMT trained on patents
- On top SMT decoding
- 4 categories for chunk parsing and 3 for agreement
- 8 functions that deal with agreements and parsing chunks
- 9 extensions to the resource grammar dealing with general-purpose constructions
- 13 constructions to deal with claim-specific data
- 8 structural words typical for patent domain case
Some improvements to do after manual evaluation. Still,
molto-server:hybrid$ perl H1PTrad.pl
Usage: perl H1PTrad.pl -v # -m [runtime|unsafe|demo] <input> [src2trg]
-v: verbosity [0,1,2]
-m: mode [runtime|unsafe|demo]
input: file to translate
src2trg: language pair
perl H1PTrad.pl -v 1 -m demo /Users/systems/input/patsA61P.test.en en2fr
Prototype available in EN, DE and FR
SMT-based pipeline for automatic translation of annotated documents
Multilingual document retrieval (query flagship)
GF-based querying subsystem for automatic translation of CNL queries to SPARQL (query flagship)
User Interface (query flagship)