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Controlled Language for Everyday Use: the MOLTO Phrasebook. In: Controlled Natural Languages Workshop (CNL 2010). Controlled Natural Languages Workshop (CNL 2010). Marettimo, Italy; 2011.Array Download: everyday.pdf (647.5 KB)
Natural Language Interaction with Semantic Web Knowledge Bases and LOD. In: Towards multilingual Semantic Web. Towards multilingual Semantic Web.; 2013.Array Download: bookchap.pdf (725.08 KB)
WP2 - review presentation 2011. 2011.Array Download: grammarians-tools.pdf (765.61 KB)
Tools for Multilingual Grammar-Based Translation on the Web. In: ACL 2010. ACL 2010. Uppsala, Sweden; 2010.Array Download: molto-demo.pdf (322.55 KB); MOLTO posterACL.pdf (982.89 KB)
MOLTO: Results and Future Prospects. Overview of the final presentations. 2013. Abstract
Array Download: final-molto-2013.pdf (115.33 KB)
Creating Linguistic Resources with GF. In: LREC 2010. LREC 2010. Valletta, Malta; 2010. Available at: Abstract
MOLTO - Multilingual On-Line Translation. Talk given at Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble, 19 January 2012. 2012.Array Download: xrce-molto.pdf (340.05 KB)
Evaluation of MOLTO Technologies. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: Evaluation.pdf (411.01 KB)
D3.3 MOLTO translation tools – workflow manual. 2013. Available at: Download: D3.3 - Inari Listenmaa, Jussi (1.9 MB); D3.3.pdf (1.21 MB)
Simple drill library snapshot 2011.Array Download: mgl.tar.gz (974.6 KB)
Assistant for solving word problems. 2013. Available at: Abstract
D6.3 Assistant for solving word problems. 2013. Available at: Download: D6.3.pdf (119.52 KB)