
Filters: Author is Krasimir Angelov  [Clear All Filters]
Ribó A, Saludes J, Xambó S. Simple drill library snapshot Hierro A, Angelov K, Caprotti O, et al., eds. 2011.Array Download: mgl.tar.gz (974.6 KB)
Slide Presentation
Journal Article
Angelov K, Caprotti O, Enache R, et al. MOLTO web service, first version. 2010. Abstract Array Download: D10.2.pdf (682.03 KB)
Conference Paper
Angelov K, Caprotti O, Enache R, Hallgren T, Ranta A. The MOLTO Phrasebook. In: Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2010). Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2010). Linköping; 2010. Available at: Abstract Array Download: sltc2010.pdf (145.36 KB); MOLTO posterSLTC.pdf (387.85 KB); MOLTO posterSLTC.pages (1.02 MB)
Ranta A, Angelov K, Hallgren T. Tools for Multilingual Grammar-Based Translation on the Web. In: ACL 2010. ACL 2010. Uppsala, Sweden; 2010.Array Download: molto-demo.pdf (322.55 KB); MOLTO posterACL.pdf (982.89 KB)
Angelov K, Enache R. Typeful Ontologies with Direct Multilingual Verbalization. In: Controlled Natural Languages Workshop (CNL 2010). Controlled Natural Languages Workshop (CNL 2010). Marettimo, Italy; 2011.Array Download: FinalSUMOCNL.pdf (252.38 KB)