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Evaluation of MOLTO Technologies. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: Evaluation.pdf (411.01 KB)
Evaluation of MOLTO Technologies. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: Evaluation.pdf (411.01 KB)
The GF mathematics library. 2011.Array Download: gfmath.pdf (136.56 KB)
A grammar-based approach to multilingual mathematics. 2013;5th International Workshop on Mathematical e-Learning. Available at: Download: eMath5Madrid.pdf (492.67 KB)
A grammar-based approach to multilingual mathematics. 2013;5th International Workshop on Mathematical e-Learning. Available at: Download: eMath5Madrid.pdf (492.67 KB)
Konekäännöksen laatu ja jälkieditointiin soveltuvien käännösten tunnistaminen. presentation in KäTu 2013, XI Symposium on Translation and Interpreting: Technology and Translation. 2013. Available at: Download: katu2013_koponen.pdf (170.05 KB)
Konekäännöksen laatu ja jälkieditointiin soveltuvien käännösten tunnistaminen. presentation in KäTu 2013, XI Symposium on Translation and Interpreting: Technology and Translation. 2013. Available at: Download: katu2013_koponen.pdf (170.05 KB)
Language Technology 2020. 2012.Array Download: MOLTO2012.html (477.95 KB)
Logic, Semantics, Translation, and Universal Grammar. 2010. Available at: Abstract
Machine Translation and Type Theory. 2010. Available at:
MOLTO - An Overview. 2010. Available at:
MOLTO and Grammatical Framework as core of multilingual application [Molto-konekäännös ja Grammatical Framework monikielisen sovelluksen ytimenä]. presentation in Finnish, seminar session "Monikielisyyden hallinta", Kites - Language Cluster Finland. 2012. Available at: Download: Kites-Molto-SNy-2012.pdf (253.42 KB)
MOLTO: Multilingual On-Line Translation. Using Grammatical Framework to Build Production-Quality Translation Systems. 2011. Available at:
MOLTO - Multilingual On-Line Translation. Talk given at Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble, 19 January 2012. 2012.Array Download: xrce-molto.pdf (340.05 KB)
MOLTO: Multilingual Online Translation for Public Sector Needs. 2012.Array Download: public-utrecht-2012.pdf (302.49 KB)
MOLTO, Multilungual Online Translation. 2010.Array Download: moltoIntro.pdf (1.01 MB)
MT Automatic Evaluation and Meta-evaluation. 2013.Array Download: asiya - grial.pdf (4 MB)
MT Automatic Evaluation and Meta-evaluation with Asiya. Introduction to modern statistical machine translation: theory, practice and applications. 2013.Array Download: asiya - MT FIB.pdf (3.3 MB)
Multilingual CNL-based Semantic Wiki. 2012.Array Download: sakt_2012_acewikigf.html (559.02 KB)
Practical introduction to Statistical Machine Translation. 2011.Array Download: tutorialSMT.pdf (2.95 MB)
SMT within MOLTO’s hybrid translation system. 2011.Array Download: patsUseCase_SMT.pdf (478.41 KB)
Translation Quality Evaluation in the MOLTO Project. Submitted. Abstract
Array Download: primerAnyWP9.pdf (632.43 KB); molto_WP9eval_pt1.pdf (103.98 KB)
Translation Quality Evaluation in the MOLTO Project. Submitted. Abstract
Array Download: primerAnyWP9.pdf (632.43 KB); molto_WP9eval_pt1.pdf (103.98 KB)