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Language Technology 2020. 2012.Array Download: MOLTO2012.html (477.95 KB)
Using GF in multimodal assistants for mathematics. 2012.Array Download: (7.09 MB)
D10.4 MOLTO Dissemination and Exploitation Report. 2013. Abstract
Array Download: D10.4.pdf (456.52 KB)
MOLTO - Multilingual On-line Translation. 2010.Array Download: MOLTO posterMETA-FORUM.pdf (1.02 MB)
RDF/XHTML: Ontology Editing In HTML. 2012. Available at: Download: 2012-KEOD-poster.pdf (510.48 KB)
The MOLTO Phrasebook. In: Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2010). Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2010). Linköping; 2010. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: sltc2010.pdf (145.36 KB); MOLTO posterSLTC.pdf (387.85 KB); MOLTO posterSLTC.pages (1.02 MB)
MOLTO project Google group. 2013. Available at:
MOLTO - Multilingual On-line Translation - Annual Report 2010-2011. 2011. Abstract
Array Download: AnnualReport2011.pdf (762.72 KB)
WP1: Management - MOLTO Second Year Review. 2012.Array Download: WP1-review.pdf (1.01 MB)
MOLTO WebSVN Repository. 2013. Available at: Abstract
MOLTO WP1 - Management. 2011.Array Download: WP1_StatusReport.pdf (356.05 KB)
Sample WADL for TextPainting.pgf 2013.Array Download: TextPainting.pgf_.wadl (8.29 KB)