Filters: First Letter Of Title is W [Clear All Filters]
WP9: Evaluation - review 2012. 2012.Array Download: molto-WP9.pdf (200.52 KB)
WP8 Case study: Cultural Heritage. 2011.Array Download: WP8-Helsinki.pdf (238.04 KB)
WP8 Case study: cultural heritage - review 2012. 2012.Array Download: barcelona-review-2012-WP8.pdf (88.2 KB)
WP8: Cultural Heritage. 2010.Array Download: WP80309.pdf (711.96 KB)
WP7 - review presentation 2011. 2011.Array Download: WP7_mar11.pdf (553.81 KB)
WP7, Patents Case Study, 2nd Year Review. 2012.Array Download: WP7-2ndReview.pdf (1.2 MB)
WP6 Case study: mathematics - 2nd year review. 2012.Array Download: (1.85 KB)
WP6 - review presentation 2011. 2011.Array Download: wp6-y1.pdf (330.05 KB)
WP5: Statistical and Robust Translation (1st meeting, Sept.2010). Submitted.Array Download: WP5_set10.pdf (425.73 KB)
WP5 Statistical and Robust Translation. 2012.Array Download: WP5_mar12.pdf (417.41 KB)
WP5 - review presentation 2011. 2011.Array Download: WP5_mar11.pdf (452.4 KB)
WP4 Current Status - M30. 2012.Array Download: WP4-status-Ontotext.pdf (272.23 KB)
WP4 Progress presentation. 3rd MOLTO meeting. Submitted.Array Download: wp4_august2011.pdf (441.17 KB)
WP3 Translator's tools - review 2012. 2012.Array Download: molto-WP3.pdf (200.52 KB)
WP2 Grammar developer’s tools - review 2012. 2012.Array Download: barcelona-review-2012-WP2.pdf (446.84 KB)
WP12 Second Year Review. 2012.Array Download: EU Review 2012 (Final).pdf (5.27 MB)
WP11: Multilingual Semantic Wiki. 2012.Array Download: molto_5th_project_meeting_semwiki.html (478.74 KB)
Words300.pgf. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: Words300.pgf (694.31 KB); (1.53 MB)
WP11 Multilingual Semantic Wiki. 2012. Available at: Download: molto-review-2012-wp11.pdf (371.85 KB)
WP11 --- AceWiki in MOLTO. 2012.Array Download: 20120113-molto-eeu-kickoff-kaarel.pdf (272.01 KB)
WP10 - review presentation 2011. 2011.Array Download: review_MOLTO_WP10.pdf (785.58 KB)
WP10: Dissemination and Exploitation - MOLTO Second Year Review. 2012.Array Download: WP10-review.pdf (2.14 MB)
WP1: Management - MOLTO Second Year Review. 2012.Array Download: WP1-review.pdf (1.01 MB)