Upgrading the web site

We are currently upgrading the software on our web site. If you encounter problems, please be patient and bear with us. Thank you.

Fact Sheet


High-quality translation between many simultaneous languages on the web. We address 15 languages, including 12 of EU's official languages. The tool is directed for producers of documents, rather than consumers. Thus we are not satisfied with browsing quality, but on the other hand we need not have broad coverage.


Develop tools that enable web content providers to create publishing-quality translations automatically. The tools apply to specific domains, and require an initial adaptation of the translation system to each domain.

GF course at Be Informed (2012-12-11/12)

Abstract Syntax, Finnish, and the Languages of the World

Keynote talk at the 40th Finnish Conference of Linguistics, Tampere 2-4 May: 2013. https://www.confitur.net/ktp-2013/in-english

Those mysterious numbers

really, I am working on the new views (e.g. http://www.molto-project.eu/view/biblio/year ) for our publication list and now some items are prefixed by numeric IDs. Where are they coming from? I have no clue. I have tried to enable the automatic generation of citekeys using Authors' lastnames and publication year but those numbers, they are in the Biblio Citation - classic style. BTW, I also enabled some OpenURL gateway for our bibliography. I wonder what the impact will be.

Yes, we can do better with the biblio full node view.

CH flagship

A MOLTO challenge

MOLTO plans to be useful in creating multilingual sites. SO here's a challenge directly coming from me being both the project manager and the maintainer of the Frupal website of the project: to make the build-in interface (Drupal jargon) multilingual.

I now have installed their translation workflow and the task of manually translating all the strings is daunting and one would certainly welcome a cloud service to do such.

Apigee console for GF cloud services

Apigee provides a way to expose a custom API to users of third-party software.

I have been testing some of it by creating a console to go for the Foods grammar, embedded below:

In order to get such a console, the API has to be described using WADL, the Web Application Description Language, attached my current simple version in case you want to expose your application grammar.

BTW, the youtube channel of Apigee is very informative, http://www.youtube.com/user/apigee.

[Workpackage leaders] FP7 review guidelines documents

Category: Workpackage leaders

Roles: wp leader

Recipients: lauri.carlson , Norbert E. Fuchs , meritxell.gonzalez , Kaarel.Kaljurand , cristina.españa

[Site leaders] FP7 review guidelines documents

Category: Site leaders

Roles: site leader

Recipients: aarne.ranta , jordi.saludes , lauri.carlson , borislav.popov , Jeroen van Grondelle , Michael.Hess

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