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Koponen M. Comparing human perceptions of post-editing effort with post-editing operations. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Montréal, Canada; 2012:181–190. Available at:
Prasad KVS, Virk S. Computational evidence that Hindi and Urdu share a grammar but not the lexicon. In: 3rd Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing (SANLP), COLING 2012. 3rd Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing (SANLP), COLING 2012.; 2012.Array Download: wssanlp-camera-ready.pdf (144.1 KB)
Ranta A, Enache R, Détrez G. Controlled Language for Everyday Use: the MOLTO Phrasebook. In: Controlled Natural Languages Workshop (CNL 2010). Controlled Natural Languages Workshop (CNL 2010). Marettimo, Italy; 2011.Array Download: everyday.pdf (647.5 KB)
Ranta A. Creating Linguistic Resources with GF. In: LREC 2010. LREC 2010. Valletta, Malta; 2010. Available at: Abstract Array
Damova M, Kiryakov A, Grinberg M, et al. Creation and Integration of Reference Ontologies for Efficient LOD Management. In: Stellato DA, Pazienza DMT, eds. Semi-Automatic Ontology Development: Processes and Resources. 1stst ed. Semi-Automatic Ontology Development: Processes and Resources. Hershey PA, USA; 2012:162-201. Available at: