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MOLTO: Multilingual Online Translation. Monnet-MOLTO Meeting, Utrecht, 19 September 2012. 2012.Array Download: utrecht-molto-2012.pdf (667.58 KB)
MOLTO, Multilungual Online Translation. 2010.Array Download: moltoIntro.pdf (1.01 MB)
Machine translation and type theory. In: Epistemology versus Ontology. Essays on the Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics in Honour of Per Martin-Löf.Vol 27. Epistemology versus Ontology. Essays on the Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics in Honour of Per Martin-Löf.; 2012:281-311. Available at: Download: final-mttt.pdf (591.34 KB)
Grammar IDE. 2011.Array Download: D2.2.pdf (453.21 KB)
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