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Patent MT and Retrieval Prototype Beta. 2012. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: D71_final.pdf (1.05 MB)
Multilingual Patents Retrieval System. 2011. Available at: Abstract
The Patents Retrieval Prototype in the MOLTO project. In: WWW2012 Conference. WWW2012 Conference. Lyon, France; 2012.Array Download: patentsretrieval.pdf (397.01 KB)
Description of the final collection of corpora. 2011.Array Download: D.5.1.pdf (414.09 KB)
Patent translation within the MOLTO project. In: Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII. 4thth ed. Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII.; 2011:70-78.Array Download: patentsMOLTO4.pdf (282.42 KB)
Asiya: An Open Toolkit for Automatic Machine Translation and (Meta-)Evaluation. Introduction to modern statistical machine translation: theory, practice and applications. 2013.Array Download: asiya-merit-course.pdf (3.41 MB)
MT Automatic Evaluation and Meta-evaluation. 2013.Array Download: asiya - grial.pdf (4 MB)
MT Automatic Evaluation and Meta-evaluation with Asiya. Introduction to modern statistical machine translation: theory, practice and applications. 2013.Array Download: asiya - MT FIB.pdf (3.3 MB)
Patent MT and Retrieval Prototype. 2012. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: D72.pdf (1.21 MB)
Online Patent Translation Demo. 2013. Available at: .Array
WP7, Patents Case Study, 2nd Year Review. 2012.Array Download: WP7-2ndReview.pdf (1.2 MB)
MT Techniques in a Retrieval System of Semantically Enriched Patents. In: MT Summit. MT Summit. Nice, France; 2013. Available at: