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Museum Reason-able View. 2013. Available at:
Multilingual Verbalisation of Modular Ontologies using GF and lemon. In: CNL 2012.Vol LNCS. CNL 2012.; 2012. Available at: Download: Multilingual Verbalization of Modular Ontologies using GF and lemon (Camera Ready).pdf (212.21 KB)
Multilingual text generation from structured formal representations. University of Gothenburg. 2012.Array Download: danasthesis.pdf (2.18 MB)
A Multilingual Semantic Wiki Based on Attempto Controlled English and Grammatical Framework. 2013.Array Download: eswc_2013.html (834.02 KB)
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Multilingual semantic wiki. 2013. Abstract
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Multilingual Patents Retrieval System. 2011. Available at: Abstract
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Multilingual Online Generation from Semantic Web Ontologies. In: www2012. www2012. Lyon, France; 2012. Available at: . Abstract
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Multilingual grammar for museum object descriptions. 2013.Array Download: D83.pdf (1.83 MB)
Multilingual grammar for museum object descriptions. 2011. Available at: Download: d8.2-grammars.tar.gz (9.21 KB); D8.2.pdf (241.35 KB)
Multilingual CNL-based Semantic Wiki. 2013. Abstract
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Multilingual CNL-based Semantic Wiki. 2012.Array Download: sakt_2012_acewikigf.html (559.02 KB)
Multilingual AceWiki. 2012.Array Download: molto-4th-day1-kaljurand.pdf (319.64 KB)
Multilingual access to cultural heritage content on the Semantic Web. ACL. Submitted. Abstract
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MT Techniques in a Retrieval System of Semantically Enriched Patents. In: MT Summit. MT Summit. Nice, France; 2013. Available at:
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MOLTO WP1 - Management. 2011.Array Download: WP1_StatusReport.pdf (356.05 KB)
MOLTO WebSVN Repository. 2013. Available at: Abstract