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Sample WADL for TextPainting.pgf 2013.Array Download: TextPainting.pgf_.wadl (8.29 KB)
Simple drill library snapshot 2011.Array Download: mgl.tar.gz (974.6 KB)
SMT Applied to the Patent Domain. Perspectives of Hybridisation with GF and Rule-based Translation Paradigms. Submitted. Abstract
Array Download: primerAnyWP57.pdf (495.77 KB)
SMT within MOLTO’s hybrid translation system. 2011.Array Download: patsUseCase_SMT.pdf (478.41 KB)
State of the WP6 at the 3d progress meeting. Submitted.Array Download: wp6-3pm.pdf (84.5 KB)
Statistical and robust translation in MOLTO - Mar2012. 2012.Array Download: robustSMT.pdf (533.51 KB)
Statistical and Robust Translation - WP5. 2010.Array Download: WP5_set11.pdf (338.59 KB)
Statistical and Robust Translation - WP5 - Sept 2012. 2012.Array Download: WP5_sept12.pdf (436.21 KB)
Statistical Machine Translation, a practical tutorial. 2010.Array Download: tutorialSMT.pdf (1.44 MB); toySMTtraining.tar.gz (5.9 MB)
Statistical term ontology exploration in the R statistical analysis software. An attempt to detect and categorize partially overlapping terms, using domain text corpus. Submitted. Abstract
Array Download: Statistical_term_exploration_in_R_molto_march2011.pdf (113.01 KB)
Short Demo: Estimating term similarities with ontoR tool, Utrecht Sept 2012. 2012. Available at: Download: (881.62 KB)
Anon. Simple drill grammar library. 2011.Array Download: D6.1.pdf (155.32 KB)
Smart Paradigms and the Predictability and Complexity of Inflectional Morphology. In: EACL (European Association for Computational Linguistics). EACL (European Association for Computational Linguistics). Avignon; 2012. Available at: