How is self-archiving and open access at UGOT?

The system for self-archiving at the University of Gothenburg is under development. Self-archiving will be done in GUP (Göteborgs Universitets Publikationer) and it will be possible to set a time for when the publication should be openly available. At the moment self- archiving can be done in GUPEA (Göteborgs Universitets Publikationer - Elektroniskt Arkiv), but you will need help with this. Contact Emilia Rung for further guidance.

The database SHERPA RoMEO holds the publishers’ copyright and archiving policies. It is important that all researchers at the University of Gothenburg respect these rules. Even if the publisher in general does not support open access by self-archiving this is often negotiable and we can help you with this.

OpenDOAR (The Directory of Open Access Repositories) is a database of open access repositories.