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Evaluation of MOLTO Technologies. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: Evaluation.pdf (411.01 KB)
Post-editing Time as a Measure of Cognitive Effort AMTA 2012 Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice (WPTP). 2012:11-20. Available at:
Multilingual grammar for museum object descriptions. 2013.Array Download: D83.pdf (1.83 MB)
WP8 Case study: cultural heritage - review 2012. 2012.Array Download: barcelona-review-2012-WP8.pdf (88.2 KB)
Natural Language Interaction with Semantic Web Knowledge Bases and LOD. In: Towards multilingual Semantic Web. Towards multilingual Semantic Web.; 2013.Array Download: bookchap.pdf (725.08 KB)
Multilingual grammar for museum object descriptions. 2011. Available at: Download: d8.2-grammars.tar.gz (9.21 KB); D8.2.pdf (241.35 KB)
Patent MT and Retrieval Prototype. 2012. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: D72.pdf (1.21 MB)
Patent translation within the MOLTO project. In: Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII. 4thth ed. Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII.; 2011:70-78.Array Download: patentsMOLTO4.pdf (282.42 KB)
Patent MT and Retrieval Prototype Beta. 2012. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: D71_final.pdf (1.05 MB)
Simple drill library snapshot 2011.Array Download: mgl.tar.gz (974.6 KB)
Mathbar. 2011. Available at:
Using GF in multimodal assistants for mathematics. In: Digitization and E-Inclusion in Mathematics and Science 2012; 2012. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: ArchambaultCaprottiRantaSaludes.pdf (179.15 KB)
Translating between Language and Logic: What Is Easy and What is Difficult?. In: CADE-23. Automated Deduction.Vol LNCS/LNAI 6803. CADE-23. Automated Deduction.; 2011:5-25. Available at:
Prototype of comanding CAS. 2012.Array Download: D6.2.pdf (1.05 MB)
Using GF in multimodal assistants for mathematics. 2012.Array Download: (7.09 MB)
Patent translation within the MOLTO project. In: Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII. 4thth ed. Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII.; 2011:70-78.Array Download: patentsMOLTO4.pdf (282.42 KB)
D4.3A Grammar-ontology interoperability - Final Work and Overview. Annex to D4.3. 2013. Abstract
Array Download: D4.3A.pdf (2.98 MB)
Grammar ontology interoperability. 2012.Array Download: D4.3.pdf (1.17 MB)
Natural Language Interaction with Semantic Web Knowledge Bases and LOD. In: Towards multilingual Semantic Web. Towards multilingual Semantic Web.; 2013.Array Download: bookchap.pdf (725.08 KB)
Multilingual grammar for museum object descriptions. 2013.Array Download: D83.pdf (1.83 MB)
D3.3 MOLTO translation tools – workflow manual. 2013. Available at: Download: D3.3 - Inari Listenmaa, Jussi (1.9 MB); D3.3.pdf (1.21 MB)
Pootle code for the MOLTO Translators' Tools. 2013. Available at: Abstract