Filters: First Letter Of Keyword is W [Clear All Filters]
Grammar IDE. 2011.Array Download: D2.2.pdf (453.21 KB)
WP8 Case study: cultural heritage - review 2012. 2012.Array Download: barcelona-review-2012-WP8.pdf (88.2 KB)
Translating between Language and Logic: What Is Easy and What is Difficult?. In: CADE-23. Automated Deduction.Vol LNCS/LNAI 6803. CADE-23. Automated Deduction.; 2011:5-25. Available at:
Natural Language Interaction with Semantic Web Knowledge Bases and LOD. In: Towards multilingual Semantic Web. Towards multilingual Semantic Web.; 2013.Array Download: bookchap.pdf (725.08 KB)
Phrasebook.pgf. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: Phrasebook.pgf (1.13 MB)
WP2 Grammar developer’s tools - review 2012. 2012.Array Download: barcelona-review-2012-WP2.pdf (446.84 KB)
Natural Language Interaction with Semantic Web Knowledge Bases and LOD. In: Towards multilingual Semantic Web. Towards multilingual Semantic Web.; 2013.Array Download: bookchap.pdf (725.08 KB)
Tools for Multilingual Grammar-Based Translation on the Web. In: ACL 2010. ACL 2010. Uppsala, Sweden; 2010.Array Download: molto-demo.pdf (322.55 KB); MOLTO posterACL.pdf (982.89 KB)
GF Grammar Compiler API. 2011. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: D2.1.pdf (1.07 MB)
Logic, Semantics, Translation, and Universal Grammar. 2010. Available at: Abstract
MOLTO - Multilingual On-Line Translation. Talk given at Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble, 19 January 2012. 2012.Array Download: xrce-molto.pdf (340.05 KB)
Museum Reason-able View. 2013. Available at:
Museum Reason-able View. 2013. Available at:
MOLTO and Grammatical Framework as core of multilingual application [Molto-konekäännös ja Grammatical Framework monikielisen sovelluksen ytimenä]. presentation in Finnish, seminar session "Monikielisyyden hallinta", Kites - Language Cluster Finland. 2012. Available at: Download: Kites-Molto-SNy-2012.pdf (253.42 KB)
From Natural Language To SPARQL: 1-st project meeting. 2010.Array Download: presentation.pdf (54.82 KB)
WP4 Current Status - M30. 2012.Array Download: WP4-status-Ontotext.pdf (272.23 KB)
Multilingual grammar for museum object descriptions. 2013.Array Download: D83.pdf (1.83 MB)
Multilingual grammar for museum object descriptions. 2013.Array Download: D83.pdf (1.83 MB)
MOLTO tools integrated into Pootle. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download:
MOLTO poster presented at META-FORUM 2011, Budapest. 2011. Available at: Download: 2011-META-forum-poster.pdf (1.31 MB)
Pootle code for the MOLTO Translators' Tools. 2013. Available at: Abstract