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Angelov K, Caprotti O, Enache R, Hallgren T, Ranta A. The MOLTO Phrasebook. In: Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2010). Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2010). Linköping; 2010. Available at: Abstract Array Download: sltc2010.pdf (145.36 KB); MOLTO posterSLTC.pdf (387.85 KB); MOLTO posterSLTC.pages (1.02 MB)
Caprotti O, Ranta A. MOLTO Poster for EAMT 2010. 2010.Array Download: MOLTO posterEAMT.pdf (1019.38 KB)
Consortium MOLTO. MOLTO Presentation. 2010.Array Download: MOLTO Presentation.pdf (2.23 MB)
Ranta A. MOLTO: Results and Future Prospects. Overview of the final presentations. 2013. Abstract Array Download: final-molto-2013.pdf (115.33 KB)
Angelov K, Caprotti O, Enache R, et al. MOLTO web service, first version. 2010. Abstract Array Download: D10.2.pdf (682.03 KB)
Caprotti O. MOLTO WP1 - Management. 2011.Array Download: WP1_StatusReport.pdf (356.05 KB)
Carlson L. MOLTO WPs 3 and 9 UHEL. 2010.Array Download: MOLTO_review_UHEL_2011-03-15.pdf (469.39 KB)