What is considered a publication or dissemination item?

Dissemination includes content that can be used to promote and describe the work done in the project. This includes not only publications and poster presentations done at conferences but also any multimedia presentation, software distribution or channel used for MOLTO.

For instance, in order to decentralize maintenance of software demos produced by the project, and to improve the website informative value, you should register your demo site using the Biblio item for "web project pages" as in:


which can then be filtered in the publication search to obtain a listing of all the latest and greatest demos.

There are a few other items under publications that can be useful to record the project's work:

  • web site: if you run any kind of infrastructure, eg svn or a wiki or a bug tracker
  • web service: :) any cloud service we are now offering as part of MOLTO
  • software
  • audiovisual: screencasts, interviews, recordings of lectures

If you use these, then you can also generate the proper BibTeX for it to use in your publication.