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Potential impact

MOLTO cooperates with META NET

MOLTO is in the process of formalizing a cooperation agreement with META NET. The first result of this cooperation is the presence of MOLTO at the META FORUM in Brussels on 17-18 November, 2010. Aarne Ranta and Olga Caprotti will be presenting MOLTO during the poster and demo session.

The MOLTO Phrasebook at SLTC 2010

A poster will be presented by O. Caprotti during the Third Swedish Language Technology Conference SLTC-2010, to be held at Linköping University, October 28-29. If you are there, come see us during the poster session on Thursday, 28 Oct. 2010 at 16.30-18.00 in the van Neumann room. The poster puffing will take place before and alas, the poster Prezi will not be shown, but here it is:

MOLTO Workshop: GF meets SMT

In the framework of MOLTO, the Statistical Machine Translation teams of UPC will be visiting Chalmers during the first week of November 2010. The goal of the workshop is to create a common understanding on how to integrate GF and SML and explore the possibilities.

Tentative Schedule

  • 1-2 Nov. 2010, Mon-Tue: introduction, hands-on with tool installation and first experiments
  • Wed-Fri: work in smaller groups; maybe some more presentations

MOLTO at The industry of translation among romance languages

At the same time as our first project meeting, there was a workshop in València: La Indústria de la Traducció entre Llengües Romàniques (The industry of translation among romance languages) where MOLTO was present.

During the morning several talks given by Mikel Forcada, José Mariño, Jorge Civera, Delia Prodan and myself introduced machine translation ideas and projects to an audience mostly composed by philologists, linguists and some company representatives.

A couple of questions arise around MOLTO.

MOLTO at EAMT 2010

The EAMT 2010 took place in France last week and MOLTO was represented with a short talk and a poster (you can see both in the publications section).

There was a plenary session to introduce some European Community supported projects related to MT: Accurat, Cosyne, EuroMatrixPlus, iTRANSLATE4, META-NET, PANACEA, PLUTO, TTC and, of course, MOLTO. We only had 5 minutes each, but it was enough for each project to give a hint on their objectives.

At the poster session, quite a lot of people got interested on the project.

MOLTO on twitter - follow us!

Since today MOLTO is twittering at http://twitter.com/moltoproject. The tweets will be more informal than the news posted on the official web site. We publish the following hashcodes: #MOLTO, #GF, #SMT, #MT, and #OWL. I propose also #GF-RGL for tweets about the GF Resource Grammar Library and #GF-MGL for the GF Math Grammar Library.

People of MOLTO, if you are twittering, we can add you to the people list that we maintain: http://twitter.com/moltoproject/people.

Everyone, enjoy.

Report from Google EMEA Faculty Summit 8-10 February 2010

The Faculty Summit is a meeting organized by Google to gather Academic scientists and Google engineers together. ("Engineer" is the title of honour used by most of their scientists as well.) EMEA means Europe, Middle East, and Africa. This year's summit in Zurich gathered 99 Academics and a similar number of Googlers. The Academics were invited by Google; many of those I talked with could only guess why just they had been invited. But everyone had at least something to do with this year's four themes, one of which

Interview on the bulgarian national radio about Molto

Today we had a live interview with the bulgarian national radio on the start of Molto. It seems that people are desperate to get better online translation...

MOLTO Kick Off

The kick off project meeting of MOLTO will take place in Barcelona, hosted by UPC, on March 9-11.

MOLTO in the press: CACM

News about the MOLTO project appeared in the Communications of the ACM.

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