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Potential impact

Changing the navigation of the website

In an effort to simplify the navigation of the website, I have taken the liberty or reorganizing the menu items in the main navigation bar of the MOLTO website.

Now, under Home you will find all information concerning the project that is meant for public consumption. Under Internal Workplan are the pages used by members of the Consortium to keep the project work under administrative control.

If you are a casual browser of our website, starting from the Publications will probably yield the best results.

Photos of EAMT 2012

The photo album of the posters presentation at EAMT 2012 is available online. There was quite some interest in the project and several people stopped by to ask about the progress of MOLTO.

If you are in the photo and want to photo to be removed, drop me a line.

Upload your presentation and tag it

I finally managed to get a nicer display of publications with a certain tag (or category). In this way we can organize the dissemination per workpackage and per event.

See for instance


Please make an effort to link, tag properly work that is related to your workpackage so that we can automagically produce such listings when we need to present our results.

If necessary I can generate more compact listings too. Enjoy.

MOLTO 4th Project Meeting - Demos

Planned demonstrations for the Open Day will take place in the lecture hall, in parallel with the afternoon coffee break and informally continue between 17:00-18:00 in the cafeteria. Demo presenters will be recognizable by a denim clip on their badge.

Here below short descriptions of the demonstrations.

Web IDE for GF by Thomas Hallgren

Translation systems in MOLTO are based on multilingual grammars written in GF (Grammatical Framework).

Program (7 March 2012)

MOLTO Open Day Program

The MOLTO Open Day schedules talks open to public.

MOLTO Poster presentation at the annual CLT retreat

A MOLTO poster and a demo of the GF grammar editor in the cloud by T. Hallgren and R. Enache are being delivered during the annual meeting of the CLT group of UGOT. O.

Manual evaluation of patents (and MOLTO at MTSummit)

The MTSummit 2011 has been this week, including a workshop specialised on patent translation. MOLTO has been presented with talk at the workshop.

There have been presentations of the most important patents offices and, as expected, all of them apply manual evaluation to their translations. It seems interesting to us to use similar criteria to theirs in our evaluation.

ATLAS project (Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS)

ATLAS (Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS, http://www.atlasproject.eu/) is a project funded by the European Commission under the CIP ICT Policy Support Programme. Its main purpose is to facilitate the multilingual Web content development and management, in particular the authoring, versioning and maintenance of multilingual Web sites.

ATLAS just released a new version of their website built with their software i-Publisher to manage and publish multilingual content.

Automatic twitter feed post from MOLTO news

The MOLTO RSS feed, at http://www.molto-project.eu/news/rss.xml is now configured to be posted to the MOLTO Twitter feed, at http://twitter.com/moltoproject, automagically using the service provided by http://twitterfeed.com.

9 March 2011 -- MOLTO Open Day

The MOLTO Open Days are meant to showcase the results and goals of the MOLTO project to the general audience and to potential users of the MOLTO technologies. Therefore, the program consists of more technical presentations, which may address also topics of theoretical nature, accompanied by demonstrations of the applications of MOLTO results.

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