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Ranta A. Two Years of MOLTO. 2012.Array Download: zurich-molto-2012.pdf (1.18 MB)
Ranta A. Translating between Language and Logic: What Is Easy and What is Difficult?. In: Bjørner N, Sofronie-Stokkermans V, eds. CADE-23. Automated Deduction.Vol LNCS/LNAI 6803. CADE-23. Automated Deduction.; 2011:5-25. Available at:
Ranta A, Angelov K, Hallgren T. Tools for Multilingual Grammar-Based Translation on the Web. In: ACL 2010. ACL 2010. Uppsala, Sweden; 2010.Array Download: molto-demo.pdf (322.55 KB); MOLTO posterACL.pdf (982.89 KB)
Détrez G, Ranta A. Smart Paradigms and the Predictability and Complexity of Inflectional Morphology. In: EACL (European Association for Computational Linguistics). EACL (European Association for Computational Linguistics). Avignon; 2012. Available at:
Ribó A, Saludes J, Xambó S. Simple drill library snapshot Hierro A, Angelov K, Caprotti O, et al., eds. 2011.Array Download: mgl.tar.gz (974.6 KB)
Saludes J, Ribó A. Prototype of comanding CAS. 2012.Array Download: D6.2.pdf (1.05 MB)
Koponen M, Aziz W, Ramos L, Specia L. Post-editing Time as a Measure of Cognitive Effort O'Brien S, Simard M, Specia L, eds. AMTA 2012 Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice (WPTP). 2012:11-20. Available at:
España-Bonet C, Enache R, Slaski A, et al. Patent translation within the MOLTO project. In: Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII. 4thth ed. Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII.; 2011:70-78.Array Download: patentsMOLTO4.pdf (282.42 KB)
Ranta A, Damova M, Dannélls D, Enache R, Mateva M. Natural Language Interaction with Semantic Web Knowledge Bases and LOD. In: Towards multilingual Semantic Web. Towards multilingual Semantic Web.; 2013.Array Download: bookchap.pdf (725.08 KB)
Ranta A. Multilingual Packages of Controlled Languages: An Introduction to GF. In: CNL-2010 (2nd Workshop on Controlled Natural Language). CNL-2010 (2nd Workshop on Controlled Natural Language). Marettimo, Sicily; 2010.Array Download: cnl-2010.pdf (1.11 MB)