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Labaka G, Díaz De Ilarraza A, España-Bonet C, Sarasola K, Màrquez L. Deep evaluation of hybrid architectures: simple metrics correlated with human judgments. In: International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation. International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation. Barcelona, Spain; 2011:50-57.Array Download: LIHMT2011_cameraReady.pdf (183.94 KB)
Caprotti O, Saludes J. The GF Mathematical Grammar Library. In: Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics /OpenMath Workshop. 2012th ed. Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics /OpenMath Workshop.; 2012.Array Download: gf-mgl.pdf (219.79 KB); GF.matlib.xhtml (10.01 KB)
Saludes J, Xambó S. The GF mathematics library. 2011.Array Download: gfmath.pdf (136.56 KB)
Saludes J, Xambó S. The GF Mathematics Library. In: Quaresma P, Back R-J, eds. Proceedings First Workshop on CTP Components for Educational Software (THedu'11).Vol Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science . Proceedings First Workshop on CTP Components for Educational Software (THedu'11). Wrocław, Poland; 2011:102–110. Available at: Abstract Array
Saludes J, Caprotti O, Xambó S. A grammar-based approach to multilingual mathematics. 2013;5th International Workshop on Mathematical e-Learning. Available at: Download: eMath5Madrid.pdf (492.67 KB)
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Saludes J. Math Exercises Library. Submitted.Array Download: mgl-demo.pdf (126.31 KB)
Xambó S, Saludes J. Math Exercises Library. 2011. Abstract Array Download: mgl-1.pdf (110.99 KB)
Saludes J. MathBar.pgf. 2013. Abstract Array Download: MathBar.pgf (616.21 KB)
Saludes J, Xambó S. MOLTO Mathematical Grammar Library. 2010.Array Download: mOlto-MGL.pdf (605.86 KB)
Angelov K, Caprotti O, Enache R, et al. MOLTO web service, first version. 2010. Abstract Array Download: D10.2.pdf (682.03 KB)
Saludes J, Xambó S. Multilingual Sage. Tbilisi Mathematical Journal. In Press;5(2). Abstract Array
van Grondelle J. New Audiences for Ontologies : Dealing with Complexity in Business Processes. In: Simperl E, Cimiano P, Polleres A, Corcho O, Presutti V, eds. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, Proceedings of ESWC 2012. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, Proceedings of ESWC 2012. Crete, Greece; 2012:2. Available at:
España-Bonet C, Enache R, Slaski A, et al. Patent translation within the MOLTO project. In: Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII. 4thth ed. Workshop on Patent Translation, MT Summit XIII.; 2011:70-78.Array Download: patentsMOLTO4.pdf (282.42 KB)