A Multilingual Semantic Wiki Based on Attempto Controlled English and Grammatical Framework. 2013.Array Download: eswc_2013.html (834.02 KB)
WP11 --- AceWiki in MOLTO. 2012.Array Download: 20120113-molto-eeu-kickoff-kaarel.pdf (272.01 KB)
General Architecture of a Controlled Natural Language Based Multilingual Semantic Wiki. In: Third Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2012).Vol 7427. Third Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2012). Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany; 2012:110--120. Available at: Abstract
Correctness of machine translation: A machine translation post-editing task. 2011.Array Download: molto_20110902_mkoponen.pdf (116.57 KB)
Comparing human perceptions of post-editing effort with post-editing operations. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Montréal, Canada; 2012:181–190. Available at:
Translation Quality Evaluation in the MOLTO Project. Submitted. Abstract
Array Download: primerAnyWP9.pdf (632.43 KB); molto_WP9eval_pt1.pdf (103.98 KB)
Konekäännöksen laatu ja jälkieditointiin soveltuvien käännösten tunnistaminen. presentation in KäTu 2013, XI Symposium on Translation and Interpreting: Technology and Translation. 2013. Available at: Download: katu2013_koponen.pdf (170.05 KB)
Post-editing Time as a Measure of Cognitive Effort AMTA 2012 Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice (WPTP). 2012:11-20. Available at:
Deep evaluation of hybrid architectures: simple metrics correlated with human judgments. In: International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation. International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation. Barcelona, Spain; 2011:50-57.Array Download: LIHMT2011_cameraReady.pdf (183.94 KB)
D3.2 The Translation Tools Prototype. The MOLTO Translation Tools Prototype. 2012. Available at: Download: D3.2.pdf (1.16 MB)
Lexicon Extraction. 2013. Available at: Abstract
MOLTO poster presented at META-FORUM 2011, Budapest. 2011. Available at: Download: 2011-META-forum-poster.pdf (1.31 MB)
Ontology-based lexicon management in a multilingual translation system – a survey of use cases. Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki. 2012.Array Download: listenmaa_masters_thesis_2012.pdf (1.05 MB)
MOLTO tools integrated into Pootle. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download:
Pootle code for the MOLTO Translators' Tools. 2013. Available at: Abstract
WP5: Statistical and Robust Translation (presentation at the kickoff meeting - Day 1). 2010.Array Download: wp5.pdf (82.66 KB)
MOLTO Patents @Ontotext. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download:
Multilingual access to cultural heritage content on the Semantic Web. ACL. Submitted. Abstract
Array Download: latech2013.pdf (305.51 KB)
WP4 Current Status - M30. 2012.Array Download: WP4-status-Ontotext.pdf (272.23 KB)
Multilingual grammar for museum object descriptions. 2013.Array Download: D83.pdf (1.83 MB)
From Natural Language To SPARQL: 1-st project meeting. 2010.Array Download: presentation.pdf (54.82 KB)
Knowledge Representation Infrastucture. MOLTO Project Deliverable. 2010. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: D4.1_edited.pdf (1.07 MB)