
Caprotti O. Annual Public Report M24. 2012. Abstract Array Download: DX.2.pdf (3.36 MB)
Li C, Carlson L, Alanko L, Listenmaa I, Nyrkkö S. D3.2 The Translation Tools Prototype. The MOLTO Translation Tools Prototype. 2012. Available at: Download: D3.2.pdf (1.16 MB)
Damova M. Data models and alignments Dannélls D, Listenmaa I, eds. 2011.Array Download: D4 2-A.pdf (1.61 MB)
Anon. Description and evaluation of the combination prototypes. 2012.Array Download: D.5.2.pdf (298.62 KB)
Ranta A, Hallgren T, Camilleri J, Enache R. Grammar IDE. 2011.Array Download: D2.2.pdf (453.21 KB)
Mitankin P, Ilchev A. Knowledge Representation Infrastucture. MOLTO Project Deliverable. 2010. Available at: Abstract Array Download: D4.1_edited.pdf (1.07 MB)
Angelov K, Caprotti O, Enache R, et al. MOLTO web service, first version. 2010. Abstract Array Download: D10.2.pdf (682.03 KB)