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Towards a RB-SMT Hybrid System for Translating Patent Claims - Results and Perspectives. Gothenburg, Sweden; Submitted.Array Download: 2011-July-HybridMT-UGOT-report.pdf (169.01 KB)
SMT Applied to the Patent Domain. Perspectives of Hybridisation with GF and Rule-based Translation Paradigms. Submitted. Abstract
Array Download: primerAnyWP57.pdf (495.77 KB)
Multilingual access to cultural heritage content on the Semantic Web. ACL. Submitted. Abstract
Array Download: latech2013.pdf (305.51 KB)
Translation Quality Evaluation in the MOLTO Project. Submitted. Abstract
Array Download: primerAnyWP9.pdf (632.43 KB); molto_WP9eval_pt1.pdf (103.98 KB)
WP5: Statistical and Robust Translation (1st meeting, Sept.2010). Submitted.Array Download: WP5_set10.pdf (425.73 KB)
Full Machine Translation for Factoid Question Answering. In: EACL Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation. EACL Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation. Avignon, Frnace; In Press.Array Download: qasmt.pdf (201 KB)
MT Techniques in a Retrieval System of Semantically Enriched Patents. In: MT Summit. MT Summit. Nice, France; 2013. Available at:
D4.3A Grammar-ontology interoperability - Final Work and Overview. Annex to D4.3. 2013. Abstract
Array Download: D4.3A.pdf (2.98 MB)
Phrasebook.pgf. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: Phrasebook.pgf (1.13 MB)
Anon. Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation FreeRBMT12, the Third International Workshop on Free/Open-source Rule-based Machine Translation. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: FreeRBMT-2012.pdf (1.39 MB)
Online Patent Translation Demo. 2013. Available at: .Array
Multilingual grammar for museum object descriptions. 2013.Array Download: D83.pdf (1.83 MB)
Natural Language Interaction with Semantic Web Knowledge Bases and LOD. In: Towards multilingual Semantic Web. Towards multilingual Semantic Web.; 2013.Array Download: bookchap.pdf (725.08 KB)
Patent MT and Retrieval Prototype. 2012. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: D72.pdf (1.21 MB)
Statistical and Robust Translation - WP5 - Sept 2012. 2012.Array Download: WP5_sept12.pdf (436.21 KB)
Grammar Tools and Best Practices. 2012.Array Download: MOLTO_D2.3.pdf (1.72 MB)
Multilingual Online Generation from Semantic Web Ontologies. In: www2012. www2012. Lyon, France; 2012. Available at: . Abstract
Array Download: wwweu2012_submission_16-final.pdf (1.22 MB)
Grammar ontology interoperability. 2012.Array Download: D4.3.pdf (1.17 MB)
Statistical and robust translation in MOLTO - Mar2012. 2012.Array Download: robustSMT.pdf (533.51 KB)
Patent MT and Retrieval Prototype Beta. 2012. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: D71_final.pdf (1.05 MB)
Multilingual Verbalisation of Modular Ontologies using GF and lemon. In: CNL 2012.Vol LNCS. CNL 2012.; 2012. Available at: Download: Multilingual Verbalization of Modular Ontologies using GF and lemon (Camera Ready).pdf (212.21 KB)